Sunday, November 30, 2014

F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers

Waktu sedang iseng berselancar di TUEBL, tak sengaja aku kepentok buku ini:

Membaca judulnya saja, jelas ini buku humor yang merangkum jawaban ngaco dalam ulangan atau ujian, yang ditulis para siswa gara-gara nge-blank total saat membaca soal. Hm, prinsip yang mereka anut pasti lebih baik mengisi jawaban daripada kosong sama sekali, siapa tahu ada upah nulis. Tapi sial, kayaknya tetap dikasih nilai F untuk usahanya

Di sini aku hanya mau mengutip beberapa jawaban ngaco yang membuatku senyum-senyum sendiri, bahkan sampai terkekeh-kekeh saat membacanya.

What type of attractive force or bond holds the sodium ions and chloride ions together in a crystal of sodium chloride?

James Bond.

Over the last 50 years there has been a significant change in the concentration of carbon dioxide. Give a reason for this.

It's easily distracted.

Write the first and second Law of Thermodynamics.

First rule of thermodynamics is you do not talk about thermodynamics.

Second rule of thermodynamics is you do not talk about thermodynamics.

Describe the term "stakeholder"

A vampire hunter.
Buffy being the most famous.

Name six animals that live specifically in the Arctic

Two polar bears.
Four seals.

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

At the bottom.

Why was the Berlin Wall built?

Germany was competing with China.

What is having only one spouse called?


Aku jadi berpikir kenapa dulu aku lurus-lurus saja, selalu mengosongkan lembar jawaban kalau tidak tahu jawabannya. Padahal, kalau murid-murid menjawab dengan kreatif, kan bisa dijadikan bahan oleh guru untuk menyusun buku model begini.

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